Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Although humans do reach a limit to physical growth, there is more we can do to better ourselves in other ways!
Who do you agree with? (Bridesmaids movie)

A couple simple lifestyle changes can boost your self confidence and give you a clear head to take on the day! Here are some of my favorites: 

  1. EAT CLEAN as often as you can! What you put in is what you get out- figuratively, literally...you know! This food blog by C. Benefield has so many DELICIOUS options to include more raw and healthy ingredients into dishes you'd make every day! (assuming you make at least one meal per day). I highly recommend MY NUTRITARIAN DIARY for anyone who is a health food expert, or just starting out with a couple easy and nutritional meals per week. Here is her link:  http://www.myfoxspokane.com/my-nutritarian-diet/
  2. BE GOOD to your body and mind. Do healthy (not rigorous) exercises that make you happy and won't completely drain you. Go to bed when you are tired, NOT after just one more episode of whatever happens to be on Netflix (guilty!). Try stretching or some easy/beginner level yoga when you wake up and before you go to bed. It feels great and you'll strengthen your mind and body quickly just one pose at a time! I personally love SkinnyMom's post on yoga stretches to tone and strengthen specific parts of your body, while still being in complete zen-mode:  http://www.skinnymom.com/2014/02/17/70-yoga-poses-to-tone-and-strengthen-your-body/
  3. RELAX as much as you can. We all know the saying "don't sweat the small stuff!" and really, most of it (99.9%!) is small stuff. Start each day fresh, uplift yourself, and be positive! Give your day a chance to be great instead of starting it off in a grumpy mood or a chip on your shoulder. Everyone around you will appreciate it, and might just follow in your foot steps! 

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