Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Although humans do reach a limit to physical growth, there is more we can do to better ourselves in other ways!
Who do you agree with? (Bridesmaids movie)

A couple simple lifestyle changes can boost your self confidence and give you a clear head to take on the day! Here are some of my favorites: 

  1. EAT CLEAN as often as you can! What you put in is what you get out- figuratively, literally...you know! This food blog by C. Benefield has so many DELICIOUS options to include more raw and healthy ingredients into dishes you'd make every day! (assuming you make at least one meal per day). I highly recommend MY NUTRITARIAN DIARY for anyone who is a health food expert, or just starting out with a couple easy and nutritional meals per week. Here is her link:  http://www.myfoxspokane.com/my-nutritarian-diet/
  2. BE GOOD to your body and mind. Do healthy (not rigorous) exercises that make you happy and won't completely drain you. Go to bed when you are tired, NOT after just one more episode of whatever happens to be on Netflix (guilty!). Try stretching or some easy/beginner level yoga when you wake up and before you go to bed. It feels great and you'll strengthen your mind and body quickly just one pose at a time! I personally love SkinnyMom's post on yoga stretches to tone and strengthen specific parts of your body, while still being in complete zen-mode:  http://www.skinnymom.com/2014/02/17/70-yoga-poses-to-tone-and-strengthen-your-body/
  3. RELAX as much as you can. We all know the saying "don't sweat the small stuff!" and really, most of it (99.9%!) is small stuff. Start each day fresh, uplift yourself, and be positive! Give your day a chance to be great instead of starting it off in a grumpy mood or a chip on your shoulder. Everyone around you will appreciate it, and might just follow in your foot steps! 

Monday, August 25, 2014


I know for most people this might be common sense, but some of us need a reminder that your job does not have to define you. A busy work day doesn't mean you act rudely to others, and a great/productive day doesn't warrant boasting. Here are a few things I've learned to try and make 9-5 just as enjoyable as the time after work. 

Attitude at the office/workplace:

  • Greet as many people as you can each day.
  • Compliment others.
  • Put on a smile! (who wants to see a grumpy coworker first thing in the morning?)
  • Be the bigger person (metaphorically). We all have that one person we just can't seem to get along with during work hours. Instead of avoiding/ignoring them, offer to help them once your work is done, or just strike up a short conversation if you happen to bump into each other. Offering to buy them a coffee while you're already going to get yourself one can severely boost someone's view of you.
  • Set reasonable expectations of your work day. Deadlines can seem impossible depending on how you approach them. Divide your day into doable work amounts that will allow you to get each job done on time and to your best ability, without overwhelming yourself. 

Office changes:
  • If you have your own office, make it a nice environment. Nobody wants to work in a cell! Try hanging a painting or putting up inspirational posters/quotes to help you get through a hectic work week. 
  • Add a plant! Seriously, even tiny succulents can improve your surroundings immensely. If you have windows in your work space, you could even grow small fruits and herbs!
  • Think about having a work pet. A few people in my office have various types of fish in small tanks on their desks. Obviously this isn't the same as interacting with a cat/dog after a long day, but just watching the little guys swimming around can reduce your stress immediately. 
  • If you enjoy working with your door closed (I can't stand having mine open!), try hanging a sign or greeting on it so others will know if you're available to talk or not. It's not rude, and will be less intimidating than a blank shut door (anybody else feel bad for knocking on someone's door over and over when you're not sure if they're in or not?).

Personal care:
  • Shower!!! I'm not sure why some people insist on going days without cleaning themselves, but it does not make for a good day for your coworkers. 
  • Make up should be fun, but respectable. You're at work, not out on the town!
  • As everyone has heard: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. or, if you're content with where you are in your career,
  • Play up your personal style throughout the week. I enjoyed this video from Michelle Phan (video below) about how to dress for school throughout the week, and I think it works for your job as well! As long as your dress code isn't extremely restricted, of course. 

That's all for now,